The transformative learning process at Amanah Bible Institute is designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. Each day is filled with opportunities to experience new educational and social situations to further development. Our professors create a safe and open setting, where they can guide students in exploring the world around them.

Dream Bigger! Be Better!

Our biblical studies department prides itself in offering a balanced treatment of biblical texts. We will teach you the historical context of these texts, identify the tensions, and challenge you to consider your own practices of reconciling with the text. Lovers of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and/or Greek New Testament should consider enrolling in our basic and advanced biblical studies certificate programs!

The LESD department is the largest here at ABI. We offer a variety of courses in ministry, church planting, administration, social media marketing, book writing, entrepreneurship, and spiritual development. The LESD department offers a Christian ministries certificate that is flexible enough for students to focus on the subject area of their choice. Concentrations include prophetic intercession, media ministries, church administration, prophetic artistry, and more!
Are you a visual and/or performing artists longing to build your craft and learn how to better employ your gift to build the Kingdom? ABI believes the arts has great healing potential both for the artists and the audience. We want to help you on your journey to better! Register for our prophetic artistry courses or our play-writing courses. We hope to offer additional arts classes in the future.